This article will be all about the placement of your tattoo.. Believe me you want to think about your placement just as much as your design.
Let’s start with the place I would recommend the least.. your fingers..
Several things need to be taken into account. The bones will make it difficult to get the fine details that you require on your fingers. so dainty fingers should definitely not be considered as a plausible tattoo placement. The artist should be careful of the veins running along the fingers aswell.
Don’t forget the swelling that will occur once they start tattooing. You might end up with some very wonky lines and the big no no the blow outs.
The healing process will be very intense. Not being able to use your hands or submerge them in water will be an difficult feat to overcome. With constant hand washing and every day wear and tear , this would be so quick to fade and become unreadable . You would have to constantly go back for touch ups, going through the same agonizing process.

Think twice if you are considering a tattoo anywhere on your head. Again think of how it would look in 5 years or 10. Think of your daily life and how it may change. Having a big black scary skull under your chin or behind your ear is cool in your twenties or thirties but not so much when you have to go to a parent teacher conference or a big office promotion .
The application of the tattoo will be painful throughout. The constant drill of
the needle right up against your scull. Do bear that in mind. Ladies… you can get your eyebrows tattood permanently but pr prepared for the pain.
if you want something specialised like eyeball or inner ear. please do you homework first. make sure your artist has done this before and is confident in being able to do this. you can end up with permanent damage if you are not careful.
I hope this has made you think carefully about your tattoo placement. In the next article I will recommend the best places for tattoo