tatuajes de arañas

Meaning of spider tattoos

There is a general meaning that spider tattoos represent and it is the fight, since this animal has been associated with the fighting capacity that we can have in different situations of life, and how we manage to get out of them. However, this spider has several details, an eye that knows what it sees, and two eyes blinded by the mundane routine and its greed, the edge of its legs that represents the way we cling to life and its broken bones that It represents that we are mortals, mortals that with any bad decision we can lose everything, even our life or that of a loved one, I made this spider thinking about how much we want to control each step, but if we do not know how to make decisions it will not help nothing, if the spider does not weave well, its house, its time, and its food will be lost.

Not looking is the best way to find, the spider instinctively knows where the best places are to make its home.

Meaning of spider tattoos

Just become what you seek. Instead of looking for someone to love, become someone who can be loved. Provide what you want to receive. I know what you want to experience. This is one of life’s greatest secrets. Become what you are looking for and then what you are looking for will find you. Everyone is looking for the same thing and that is why it is not convenient for you to be a seeker: It is better to be what others are looking for.

Maybe they will call you a coward because you cry; They may tell you that you are not brave because you are afraid and afraid to take a few steps. Even you yourself could be that person who calls himself weak because you dispatch in tears feelings that were rotting your soul inside.

But not. On the contrary. No one is brave without having been a coward before.

Someone said that you shouldn’t even look back to gain momentum: it’s just stupid, I say, when it’s the path traveled that makes us realize how brave we’ve been despite doubts and troubles.

May the past make us feel proud, the present motivated and the future hopeful. The spider represents fear and courage, arachnid beings hide for fear of much larger predators or just threats that can destroy their peace, their creation, their effort just as we humans are and courage because they are animals that if They would like with a single bite they can send you directly to the afterlife, it’s funny but true, small animals that can measure from 0.5 inches to 30 centimeters, ending this article with a couple of thoughts, the spider will always represent us in our strength , moving forward is a purpose, that purpose, that need for survival, that change of skin, that perseverance, patience, wisdom, that the human being carries inside, awakens your animal instinct, each one carries a totem, encourage yourself to learn more of it. You will see how the way you see things changes you and one day you will be able to be a determined human being, imposing and sure of your decisions, it is all about not giving up, there will always be ups and downs, mistakes, decisions that Ian deems correct and not They were, later I will do a new article about another animal, I wait for you here again so that together with me you can determine the ancestral instinct of a totem, a tattoo, a representation, your energy, your field and that third eye that you should open little by little, like the spider in my tattoo, with love, Nekrocat.



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